Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Every Artist Is Abstract"

"Abstract literally means to draw from or separate. In this sense every artist is abstract... a realistic or non-objective approach makes no difference. The result is what counts."   Richard Diebenkorn

(Below are photos of the installation of paintings in "Infrastructure:  Abstractions by Alex Bartenberger, Evan Hildebrandt, Chad Rasmussen & Michael Weber, with a portfolio of abstracted poster prints extracted from Raymond Thunder-Sky drawings.  Show opens January 6, 2012, reception 6 to 10 pm.  Closing reception February 11, 2012, 6 to 10 pm.)

Alex Bartenberger

Chad Rasmussen

Chad Rasmussen

Michael Weber

Michael Weber

Evan Hildebrandt

Evan Hildebrandt

Evan Hildebrandt

Alex Bartenberger

Alex Bartenberger

Michael Weber

Chad Rasmussen

Raymond Thunder-Sky "abstractions"